Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Random Pictures

We have had a busy month and posting has gotten away from me! Here are just a few pics of Claire throughout the month. Oh yes, and Claire has started walking! She is getting more brave each day! She likes to walk to someone rather than just completely on her own. She will get there soon, though. She is growing so fast!!!
Claire and Josh swimming together at Cookie and Papa's

Claire watching her first Baby Einstein movie. She loved it!!!

A new way to eat a snack, lay down and relax!!

Claire celebrating Mommy's birthday with a snack. She wasn't very interested in opening presents. :)

Claire's (almost) first steps. I wasn't ever able to get her on my camera during her official first steps.

Week at the lake

We were able to spend a week at Lake Tyler with Cookie, Papa, Aunt Jenny, and cousins Jake and Josh in July. Claire loved the water and playing with the boys. Claire got to tube with Daddy, loved riding in the boat and loved swimming even more! Here are just a few pictures of our fun times.