Sunday, March 20, 2011

Time flies when you're having fun.....

Wow, I have gotten way behind on my posting!! We have been super busy since Ali's birthday! We have been sick quite a bit this winter and between that and all of the normal things, there has been little time to catch up. So, just a few pics to bring you up to speed.

Christmas 2010
Ali's first day of Mother's Day Out at Melonie Park (January 2011)

Valentine's Day 2011
Pinewood Derby at MBC (Our first entry)
New cousin ~ Sweet Julia!! (Born February 2, 2011)
Grandma Wilkerson's 90th birthday (March 2011)

Whew, I think that is it for now. :) Hopefully I will be better at staying caught up. We are sooooo glad that Spring is here!!! So many fun things to do!

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